Sand Mountain, Part 2.

I just got back from a trip to Sand Mountain and, as usual, it was a blast! The weather was oddly warm in the low 60’s with just a slight breeze. My brother came along with me and we took our machines to have some fun on and around the mountain. We were not the only ones enjoying the nice weather out on the sand. Since it is a three day week there were several other people out there as well.  I took a few pictures to share my experience.

First, here is a picture of the mountain driving to it on highway 50. From here it doesn’t look very big or impressive but just wait until we get closer…


Here is a picture a little closer to the mountain on the access road from the highway…


Here we are unloading the machines. We got there pretty early in the morning so there still wasn’t very crowded at this point.


Here is a picture of the south side of the mountain looking south towards the highway. This is one of my favorite spots on the mountain because there is so much activity down below.


This is a picture on top of Memorial Hill looking south towards the highway. This is by far my favorite place to see Sand Mountain in all of its greatness. The photo is only enhanced by the American and Nevada flags flying on our machines, as required by the BLM for “safety.”



Sand Mountain is one of my favorite Outdoor Nevada destinations! Let me know what you think by leaving a commit below!

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